Tutti, prima o poi, inciampano in un orto-giardino e nelle sue meraviglie
Persone comuni, ma anche pittori, scrittori e imperatori
Ortodotto è un blog esperienziale e una gallery di aneddoti, libri e ispirazioni a tema orto
Something about me!
Hi there and welcome in my little country world! My name is Silvia and I have a passion for slow and traditional living through the seasons. When I m not at my desk running my job as a journalist, I’m almost always in the kitchen or in the garden, creating vegetarian recipes or recipes inspired by the Italian peasant tradition. Here I share little snippets from my daily world! Thanks for watching, become friends if you like!
Me at work!
In my vegetable garden
Latest collaborations
Everyone, sooner or later, trips over a vegetable garden and its wonders
Ordinary people, but also painters, writers and emperors
Ortodotto is an experiential blog e a gallery of garden-themed anectodes, books and inspirations